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 Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback

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3 participants

Messages : 507
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2008

Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback Empty
MessageSujet: Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback   Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback Icon_minitimeMar 6 Juil - 16:16

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Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback 1z4a6u9


A 1 day Blood Bowl Tournament with guaranteed fun!
Saturday 21 August 2010
Spelfanaat Leuven, Sint Hubertusstraat 3 (Sint-Jacobsplein) 3000 Leuven
Every Blood Bowl coach, from having played a few games till experienced champs!
3 games of Blood Bowl. Match-ups will be made by using Swiss Pairing. Resurrection style : you'll start every game with your fresh, full strength team!
NAF sanctioned. It will be most likely possible to register/renew your NAF-membership there if you'd like and receive some colored block dice.

Time Table:
09:30 - 10:00 :: Doors & Registration
10:00 - 12:15 :: Game 1
12:15 - 13:00 :: Lunch
13:00 - 15:15 :: Game 2
15:15 - 17:30 :: Game 3
17:45 :: Prize Ceremony

5€. (Spectators free!)

You're free to go outside and grab some food, though we'll also try to get something done for you.

Blood Bowl Competition Rulespack.
Team values equal to 1.150.000 gold pieces.
Before the first game, you assign one player of your choice, with a double skill and two other randomly determined players with a normal skill.
Before the second and third game, two randomly determined players gain a normal skill.

The winner of the tournament is the player with the most points (normal + crush) after 3 games.

Win : 15pts
Draw : 7 pts
Loss : 1 pt
Each touchdown : +2pts up to +6pts
Each blocking casualty : +2pts up to +6pts
Crush points up to +15pts each game

1) Crush The Quarterback!
Before starting a game, both players roll to determine one random player of the opponent's team. This player is a quarterback, which is the team's best player, a capable leader with tactical insight who calls the shots. Therefore he needs to be fielded every drive if he's still able to.

Your mission : CRUSH HIM!
*Every stunned result you or your fans inflict on your opponent's quarterback, awards you with 1 crush point.
*Every KO-result you or your fans inflict on your opponent's quarterback, awards you with 2 crush points.
*A casualty you or your fans inflict on your opponent's quarterback, is what you're really after.
--Rolls for casualty between 11 - 58 gets you 5 crush points.
--Killing the quarterback gets you a whopping 10 crush points!
Remember these points are cumulative, so make sure the guy suffers before you deliver the final blow! Successfully healed or regenerated quarterbacks will continue to give crush points when entering the pitch again.

In order to help you with this, we got 2 more extras.
2) A quarterback being fouled, will suffer a +1 on his armour roll.
3) A quarterback involved in a crowd action (throw rock kick-off event & crowd pushes), will suffer a +1 on his injury roll.

Vouchers for:
1st Place
2nd Place
The CrushKing (most crush points)
Most casualties
Most touchdowns

All vouchers (exact price will be determined by number of participants) can be used (the same day) at Spelfanaat Leuven.
They have access to more than 800 boardgames, cardgames, Games Workshop range and much more. You'll find something you'll like for sure!

There might also be some minor spot prizes!

Please note - apart from being ranked - this is a friendly tournament with the major goal of creating a great day with lots of Blood Bowl fun. Since we aim for all coaches to join in the fun (experienced or not), illegal procedures, turn times and endless discussions about rulings are not in place. Just make sure you and your opponent enjoy the game and don't forget to shout it out while doing a small dance, when you've crushed your target!

Pre-registrations are appreciated and can be done by sending an email to "helsen punttt wim atttt g mail dotttt com" or by posting a quick reply!
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Messages : 567
Date d'inscription : 27/12/2008
Age : 45
Localisation : Namur

Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback   Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback Icon_minitimeMar 6 Juil - 17:06

moi ça me tenterais bcp, mais je ne parle pas l'anglais et ne comprend donc pas grand chose des restrictions du dessus et vu que je suis timide que j'ai peur de la foule toussa toussa y en à d'autre que moi qui serais interessé? Smile
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Messages : 139
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2010
Age : 37
Localisation : Montegnée

Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback   Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback Icon_minitimeLun 12 Juil - 12:58

Moi ca me tente fortement.

En anglais je me débrouille un peu mais je suis très loin d'être bilingue Wink

Hélas en regardant mon agenda, je suis au festival Pukkelpop tout le week-end donc il sera impossible de me désister. Twisted Evil

Par contre je suis partant pour tout tournoi dans la région. (anglais compris Razz )
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Messages : 507
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2008

Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback   Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback Icon_minitimeDim 2 Jan - 10:21


Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback CrushtheQuarterback2010
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Tournoi de Blood Bowl : Crush the Quaterback Empty
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